Alignment: A common way to make things look more understandable. Easiest form of alignment is left justified, as opposed to centre or right-justified

Anthropomorphic Form: Its easy to get our attention if something is designed in the human form; particularly the human face.

Archtypes: A theme that people can easily identify. Well understood standards for things; ie.: buttons, scrollbars, etc. Different cultures or countries may have archetypes.

Area Alignment: Aligning objects in the centre make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Attractiveness Bias: People believe that pretty things are better than ugly things.

Biophilia Effect: Natural scenes and landscapes have a calming effect.

Chunking: People are better at remembering things when they are grouped together. People can usually remember 3-4 things at one time. Used in telephone numbers and credit card numbers, but can extend past numbers and be used to group other things.

Classical Conditioning: You can evoke a positive response if its linked to another event. The trigger can be anything that evokes an emotion; ie. Pavlov’s dog.

Closure: People are goods at filling details and identifying patterns.

Cognitive Dissonance: Can discourage you while you may otherwise be compelled to do something.

Color: Can indicate different functions. Certain colours pair better than others. Its not good to go overboard with colour.

Common Fate: Things that are perceived to be going in the same direction are thought to be related.

Comparison: You should use common features to make comparisons. You should keep anything that is meant to be compared on the same page.

Confirmation: Its good to give feedback to the user. Its bad to require the user to provide feedback for trivial tasks.

Consistency: People like consistency, it allows them to transfer their knowledge about one part of the system to another part of the system. There is aesthetic consistency and functional consistency. Sometimes it might be warranted to avoid consistency- think of the sub levers.

Constancy: The tendency to perceive objects as unchanging, despite changes in sensory input.

Contour Bias: Sharp angles often illicit strong negative responses.

Control: Tailor interface to the user. ie: ATMs, needs to accommodate everyone. ie: keyboard shortcuts, a two level approach; the interface is for new users, shortcuts are hidden but available to advanced users.

Convergence: Good things tend to last.